Course correction for digestive system

Course correction for digestive system
Digestive issues can result in some embarrassing appointments. Poop talk & probing from a stranger in a white coat doesn't sound like a fun time. Avoid it all and correct it yourself! Let's GOOOO!

How digestion gets messy and how to make it better

How digestion gets messy and how to make it better
I am amazed at how many layers of old crap are caked onto my insides! The depth seems endless! And I guess it kind of is...because the cleanse will take a layer off, but eating slurry forming foods will put a layer back on. Slurry? 😳WTH is that, you ask?

Master Cleanse β„– 7 πŸ‹

Master Cleanse β„– 7 πŸ‹
My motivation to be healthy is greater than my resistance to change..... ❀️

Layer by layer, cleanse by cleanse, the old crap falls away revealing a better new me. Plus, I'm addicted to the energy + focus!

Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse β„– 5 πŸ‹

Master Cleanse β„– 5 πŸ‹
The Master Cleanse doesn't heal you, it's a tool to help your body heal itself.  Incredible health results for so.many.people πŸ™Œ  It's the EPITOME of sovereignty.
Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse β„–4 πŸ‹

Master Cleanse β„–4 πŸ‹
I feel fantastic and love this cleanse! It's quite simple and I love this common sense natural approach.

Check out the perfect glass bottles that help me live a normal life while cleansing! 
Master Cleanse

Master Cleanse β„– 2 πŸ‹

Master Cleanse β„– 2 πŸ‹
The body accumulates wastes, toxins, or poisons (free radicals). Then things go awry. Then we get a label. Wanna get rid of your label? You can! 
Master Cleanse
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